We treat the person as a whole

We believe that too many wellness approaches focus care on only mental health—which we believe only has the opportunity to improve a fraction of someone’s life. Studies are showing strong evidence that mental wellness is a holistic endeavor made up of psychological, social, physiological, psychiatric, nutritional, emotional, and spiritual health. Our practice treats the whole person in service of wellness.

When care is holistic, one tactic in a treatment plan makes other ones more likely to succeed, and tactics often complement one another, creating an upward spiral effect. Imagine the positive impact a customized, comprehensive care plan could have on all areas of your life —it could transform the way you show up for YOURSELF and your family!


Check out our apparel brand, PyschLife Tee Co., which breaks mental health stigma among mental health workers and patients alike by creating beautiful, brightly colored tees adorned with inspirational messages of hope, helping normalize mental health care for practitioners and clients alike.

Your Comfort Team

We believe in the transformative power of Empathy—for ourselves and our clients.

We invest in Community.

We create a space of Cultural Competency.

We ensure Psychological Safety among all of our care team.

We uphold the sacredness of your Confidentiality and Privacy.

We believe in the transformative power of Empathy—for ourselves and our clients. • We invest in Community. • We create a space of Cultural Competency. • We ensure Psychological Safety among all of our care team. • We uphold the sacredness of your Confidentiality and Privacy. •

“People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”




Meet Ashley

After giving birth to her first son, Ashley suffered severe postpartum depression. Her healing journey involved a holistic, well-rounded approach of walking, consulting with a nutritionist, and receiving culturally competent psychiatric care based on clinical guidelines. The therapeutic care she received would later propel her to becoming a psychiatric nurse.

Ashley’s experience as both an individual who receives mental health care and one who gives mental health care uniquely positions her to understand the struggles that you’re facing. Since becoming a psychiatric care provider herself, Ashley has witnessed that mental health stigma is, unfortunately, alive and well, even among professionals themselves receiving care.

But at PsychLife, we firmly believe providing the customized, holistic mental health care you deserve.

Join the PsychLife Comfort Team

We are always looking for passionate providers who would like to serve their community. If that’s you, let’s talk!

We intimately know what you’re going through. We’re here to help.

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